Welcome to HROOT’s documentation

Haskell binding to ROOT

ROOT is a modular scientific software toolkit providing all the functionalities needed to deal with big data processing, statistical analysis, visualisation and storage. It is mainly written in C++ but integrated with other languages.

HROOT is a haskell binding to the ROOT library. A haskell script called HROOT-generate using fficxx generates HROOT packages. Once generated, each package can be directly installable as a cabal package. Currently, C++ interface is defined as a haskell data structure as one can see, for example, in the module HROOT.Data.Core.Class.

## Development and testing

For dev-shell, try:

` $ nix develop .#ghc942.dev $ cd workspace $ ./build.sh `

For those who use HROOT as library directly, try ` $ nix develop .#ghc942.env ` and in the shell, one can see all HROOT-* (including HROOT) packages are available.

Indices and tables